General information
- At the performance category the main focus is on the stage production and the character similarity.
- Per year you can only apply twice with the same cosplay.
- You can only apply with official illustrations of officially published characters (manga, anime, film, video game, book cover, etc.) or internationally recognized fanarts of these official characters. Applying with your original design is not allowed.
- You can apply solo or in a group.
- There is only time for 12 performance production on the stage.
- For group applications the maximum number of members are 8.
- It’s not mandatory to fill out the maximum time limit. You have to cut and edit the soundtrack yourself, the organizers are not responsible for the length of your soundtrack.
- A pre-judging is taking place before the event, where the judges will decide if you can compete at the convention.
- The minimum age to apply to this competition is 14 years!
- The maximum time limit for the stage is 2,5 minutes.
- Do not litter on the stage, if you drop anything during your performance, pick it up at the end!
- Open fire (ex.: fireworks, sparklers).
- Using pyrotechnic devices (ex.: smoke machine).
- Bringing liquids on stage.
- Throwing dust/glitter/confetti/anything that can take a lot of time to clean up
- Cannot bring real guns, firearm, knives, swords and any sharp weapons in the convention place.
- Throwing anything off the stage.
- Standing on chars or tables on stage.
- Costume or performance that are age restricted by law, hateful to people or social groups.
You will be disqualified if:
- you don’t arrive until the time stated in the “Check-in/ get-in” paragraph.
- you are not ready at the photographer on time.
- you spend more time on stage than it is allowed (maximum 2,5 min)
- you broke the rules stated above
- your shared drive folder is empty
Place and date of application
- You can apply to the competition on the website (button at the end of the rulebook) The registration is open till 2025. march 16.
- For groups only one of you needs to apply for the team. But you still need to provide every member’s full name and email address.
- We check the uploaded files, but the organizers won’t take responsibility for faulty editing and bad quality.
- In case we find a technical issue in the uploaded files before the end of the registration period, we will contact you and reject your application. You can still correct these and re-apply if there is space left.
Check-in/ Get-in
- Competitors need to provide their own tickets.
- Look for the MondoCon staff at the gates from 9:30 (opening time) at the “Cosplay Gyülekező” red balloon gate, they will help.
Admission | Mandatory Photo op | Arrive to the mainstage |
09:30 | 10:00-12:00 | 15 mins before the competition starts |
- If you are not able to participate in the event or you have a strong reason the renounce your application, please contact the staff at till the deadline (2025. march 16.).
- If something happens on the day of the event preventing you from competing or attending you can notify the staff via phone hun: +3620/3464619, eng: +3670/4575448.
- If you don’t attend the competition without notifying us in any channel, you will be excluded from future competitions. For 3 missed attendances without notification or explanation you will be excluded for 1 year.
- In case you cannot make it on time for one of the checkpoints due to unforeseeable circumstances, please notify the organizers via phone (hun: +3620/3464619 eng:+3670/4575448), they will decide if you can still compete.
Requested data and files
General data
- Real (civil) name
- Nickname (this will be used on all platforms)
- E-mail address (regularly monitored and reliable)
- The character’s name you cosplay
- Source/Fandom (ex.: anime/game/tv-show/other)
- In case you cosplay a fanart version, please provide the official source of the character, the fanart’s artist and a link to their work. (ex.: Ariel – The Little Mermaid – Hannah Alexander artwork –
- Full name of your helper/dressing assistant (if you need it)
- Light requests:
- You have to provide exact times for the light requests
- Example: 0:00-0:05 dark, 0:05-0:30 red lights, 0:30-0:50 white lights, etc…
- Options:
- solid color (RGB color scheme)
- flickering
- small spotlights (random movements)
- multicolored (ex.: fire effect)
- brightness level (ex.: bright, semidarkness)
- We cannot provide you with one big spotlight following you!
- Props/decorations and strike a pose (Requests for stage appearance)
- You only have 30 sec to arrange everything on stage and take you starting pose
- The stage crew will help you with your props.
- We appreciate if you make/draw a visual stage map for your props and items (upload it to the drive folder)
- Date of birth
- Other requests (Please give a list of stage props and where you want to place them if you didn’t prepare a visual stage map)
- Group members (ex.: full name – nickname – email address- character)
Upload all your files into a Google Drive folder and provide the shared link in the „Drive link” field. (Don’t forget to put it on public!)
Naming the files
- The file’s name has to contain the group or the solo contestants name.
- The file name should not contain accents, capital letters and special characters. Instead of a space, use underscore.
- Stage background picture: ExampleName_szinpad.png
- Music title: ExampleName_02_30.mp3
- Video title: ExampleName_03_12.mp4
- Reference video: ExampleName_referencia.mp4
Picture for the stage
- Minimum 1280×720 resolution
- Horizontal with 16:9 aspect ratio
- Please don’t upload watermarked images
- Please don’t upload pixelated images
- You have to send an edited video matching the length of your performance, the organizers cannot do it for you.
- Important, if you choose to send a video, it has to include your music too, we are not able to play music from a separate file.
- In case your video contains speech too, it should always be louder than the music to be understood properly.
- Format:.MP4
- Resolution: minimum 1280×720 (16:9)
- Maximum time limit: 2,5 min (2:30)
- You don’t have to fill all the given time if you planned a shorter performance. Based on our experience, a shorter show can be just as impressive.
- Format: .MP3
- Maximum time limit: 2,5 min (2:30)
The competition
0. Recording/creating a reference video
For the pre-judging you will have to prepare a video of your performance. You don’t have to be in full cosplay with all props and decor. It doesn’t have to be HD quality, the important thing is that the jury can see what you want to do on stage. In case of groups, every member has to in the video.
- Applying to the competition
The button at the end of the rules will take you to the registration form. After signing in click on the „Enter this competition” text next to the “Zenés-Táncos”.
2. Pre-judging
The judges will watch the reference videos and discuss who can participate in the performance competition at the event.
3. Announcing the participants
After the judges choose the 12 performances we will announce them on social media and the webpage in a couple of days.
4. Mandatory photo op
On Sunday there is a mandatory photo op where every contestant has to appear and our photo team will take wonderful pictures of you. These will be published and shared with you on social media.
5. Stage show
You have to at the main stage 15 minutes before the performance competition will officially start. The staff members will queue up, so you will know exactly when you will go on stage. They will also discuss with you how your props and décor should be placed. IF you forgot to request the time for this beforehand, we won’t be able to provide it at the event. There will be a short introduction to your character by the hosts and a 3 sec video then your music will start and the stage is yours.
6. The jury discusses and chooses the winners
After the competition the jury will discuss and choose the nominees and winners. They will only base this on the stage production, not your reference video.
7. Award ceremony
Where we will announce the nominees and winners!
A The winners will be announced on stage during the awards ceremony.
Award categories
- Those will win this category whose dance focused performance was the most outstanding.
- Those will win this award whose cosplay and performance embodies/ takes after the character the most. The cosplay doesn’t have to be self-made to win.
- Those will win this award, who gets the most votes from the audience.
In case of low number of applicants, we reserve the right to change the award categories.