About the program itself 

Come and check out the Historically Based Duel, the TAP Fight! This dynamically developing, young sport opens it’s doors to anyone who wants to fight: here a gladiator can face a viking, a knight or even a samurai (if their equipment meets the rules, of course).

The sport will be presented by Márton Magyar, the creator of the rules and the country’s most successful TAP Fight team, A Falka. After the presentation the basics will be taught on the spot with safe sponge weapons, and you can even try it out.

What is TAP Fight?

A TAP (it’s an acronym from the hungarian name) Fight was originally created by Márton Magyar with the aim to unify the rules of the different combats of the wartime traditional events taking place in Hungary.

The sport quickly achieved and outgrew its original goals – currently, crossing national borders, it now serves as the basis of an international competition system and a championship spanning Europe. It’s task to fairly measure fighters from different historical backgrounds in several possible competitions (duel, 2 against 2, 5 against 5). Its special feature is that it doesn’t focus only on one selected historical era and geographical unit: in a TAP Fight competition, a viking warrior can face a samurai, a knight, a roman legionnaire or a turkish janissary – as long as the equipment and weapons of both meet the conditions stipulated in the rules.

Most recently a sponge weapon branch was launched under the name TAP Fight Light, which makes it much easier to start the sport.

TAP Fight policy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/matapfih/posts/402081635728535?ref=embed_post 

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A Falka (The Pack) – who brings this sport to MondoCon 

A Falka is the country’s most successful TAP Fight team. Under the command of Márton Magyar they go to war, whether it’s a viking age combat or a knightly battlefield from the XIV. century , their shield walls don’t break and their swords shine proudly. The members of the team are famous for not being afraid of anything, because they know very well: the Pack will protect you or take revenge!

A Falka on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/afalka.hu